English Transfer Curriculum

A photo of a student doing English Homework

Welcome to the English Department at South Suburban College

This department has many types of English language writing courses, from developmental through required college level General Education courses through technical and creative writing courses. There are also a variety of literature courses, most of which satisfy a General Education Humanities requirement, and courses that study the usage of English. Many courses are available as Honors courses.


South Suburban College is proud to offer courses designed to give students the transfer courses and skills they need to go on to advanced degree institutions. Most of these courses are specifically designed for transfer, enabling students to complete their first two years of coursework leading towards a Bachelor’s degree in virtually any field of study at a four year college or university.
Please Note: To ensure correct placement in the proper introductory English course, new students are required to write an essay.
English 101 and 102 courses are held in computer labs, and it is highly recommended that students be proficient in keyboarding. Students lacking basic computer skills may want to take OAT 100.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

ENGLISH 101 and 102 (General Education)

At the conclusion of each course, the student will be able to:

  • Use various invention, drafting, and revising/editing strategies.
  • Apply the principles of specific rhetorical forms to the writing of effective compositions.
  • Establish a voice appropriate to the topic selected and the rhetorical situation.
  • Clarify major aims, arrange material to support aims, and provide sufficient materials to satisfy expectations of readers.
  • Explore writing as a means of self-discovery and produce a text that is designed to persuade the readers of the writer’s commitments.
  • Analyze critically one’s own writings, using proven composition principles.
  • Revise one’s own work based on proven composition principles.
  • Demonstrate satisfactory control over the conventions of edited American English.
  • Analyze complex materials, including but not limited to literary texts, scientific texts, business texts, literary non-fiction, autobiography, film, or other college-level materials appropriate to analytical writing (ENG102).
  • Select, evaluate, and interact effectively with sources by:
    • Acquiring information from print sources and from electronic sources including but not limited to such sources as the internet, on-line dictionaries, encyclopedias, magazines, and journals.
    • Selecting and narrowing a research topic and preparing a workable thesis statement.
    • Preparing an outline for research projects.
    • Effectively using quotation, summary, and paraphrase with a research project.
    • Accurately citing and documenting primary and secondary sources using MLA and APA documentation.
    • Demonstrating these skills in a research project or projects which meet a minimum of 10 pages of documented writing (ENG102).

ENGLISH 097, 098, and 099 (Developmental English)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Employ elements of the “writing process” within their composing process.
  • Compose adequately supported paragraphs with topic sentences.
  • Create (consistently) basic, clear Standard English sentences that exhibit a concrete understanding of sentence boundaries.
  • Demonstrate an improved ability to edit writing according to the conventions of Standard English regarding sentence structure, basic punctuation, subject/verb agreement, commonly used verb tenses, and spelling (ENG097).
  • Employ elements of the writing process within their composing process.
  • Write unified, coherent, thoughtfully developed paragraphs employing transition words and phrases.
  • Create multi-paragraph writings that adequately support a thesis or main idea.
  • Demonstrate control (not necessarily mastery) of basic punctuation, commonly used verb tenses, homophones, and subject/verb agreement.
    Write clear sentences within paragraphs that effectively utilize subordination, coordination, and demonstrate a growing fluency with other sentence types (ENG098).
  • Write focused and developed essays that include a thesis statement with support and an effective conclusion.
  • Demonstrate adequate control of the conventions of Standard Written English and produce writing free of errors which interrupt meaning.
  • Use basic criteria for evaluating writing, such as Audience Awareness, Word Choice, Organization, coherence, Development, Support, and Mechanics.
  • Demonstrate the ability to write complex sentences in varying sentence patterns within paragraphs and essays (ENG099).


At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • To identify the basic elements of fiction: plot, characterization, symbolism, setting, point of view, theme, imagery, and tone.
  • To identify external and internal conflicts in the literature discussed, to recognize stylistic techniques writers use to create fiction, to become familiar with the most common methods of symbolism in fiction, to distinguish between actual dialogue and paraphrase techniques, to create realistic dialogue to develop characters in fiction, to understand different points of view writers use to create their fiction, to know how theme is developed, and to understand the four effects of setting in fiction (ENG105).
  • Identify fundamental elements of poetry, especially structure, sound, and theme.
  • Apply fundamental technique to produce and revise poems.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the major categories of poetry in their historical context.
  • Use criteria for evaluating poems, including application of appropriate structure, sound devices, and thematic elements.


At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify fundamental elements of technical writing.
  • Apply technical writing technique to produce and revise business and technical writing required in the workplace.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the major categories of technical and business writing, including causal analysis, project cost analyses, and proposals.
  • Use criteria for evaluating written reports, including application of appropriate criteria for clarity, organization, and specificity.


At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Effectively analyze and evaluate texts which may include poetry, letters, epistles, short stories, journals, and plays.
  • Recognize changes in style, language, genre, and literary period.
  • Contextualize the works of literature within particular cultural, historical, ideological, economic, Gender-based, psychological, etc., frameworks.
  • Apply basic concepts from literary criticism (plot, character, setting, theme, style, imagery, symbolism, mood, tone, and point of view) and analyze their use within a particular work.
  • Approach literature as an accumulation of human experience whose aim is to provide both pleasure and intellectual development.
  • Apply literature to current problems of thought, to understand the continuum of human nature, to develop the ability to apply learning to life, and to develop an awareness of cultural diversity.
  • Discuss each literary work on an individual basis for its merits and weaknesses.

South Suburban College Writing Center

The South Suburban College Writing Center is available for online tutoring ONLY this summer.

The Writing Center was established nearly 10 years ago to give students a place to go for additional instruction beyond the classroom in areas pertaining to writing and rhetoric. Many colleges and universities have Writing Centers and Student Assistant Centers for students to receive feedback and tutoring in collegiate areas in which they need help. South Suburban’s Writing Center, however, is different mainly because it is a faculty run Writing Center—completely staffed and run by faculty from the English Department.

Although hours of operation vary from semester to semester depending on each individual faculty’s teaching load and schedule, daytime and evening hours are available for students to take advantage of its resources. We average 40 hours per week of Faculty staffed tutoring sessions, serving several hundred students each semester—many of whom are repeat customers. At least half of the full-time English Department faculty devote at least an hour of tutoring in the Writing Center, with some faculty staffing as many as six hours per week to tutoring.

The Writing Center is available to all students college wide, and students from areas other than English use the tutoring available to aid in research, organization, grammar instruction, as well as documentation and manuscript format.
The Writing Center also boasts its own computer lab for student use. Students have the ability to draft and revise their papers and projects under the tutelage of full-time faculty, making the drafting process a great deal easier and more successful.

The Scriblerian

The student magazine was started in 1982, and is currently sponsored by Rick Jones. The magazine accepts stories, poems, essays, plays, art, and photography for submission each year by the first week of March and is published each year in May. The magazine has won numerous first and second place awards from the ACP.( the Associated Collegiate Press), and has won from the American Scholastic Press Association First Place with Special Merit awards many times. They have also won Most Outstanding Community College Literary/Art Magazine for 2015, First Place, and Best Art Awards. The student group begins meeting at the end of September or early October and meets every week or two depending on the amount of submissions there are to be critiqued by the students involved in the organization. Editors are chosen by the advisor as they must have excellent editing, writing, and computer skills (usually they have been English majors, but not always). An awards reception is held every June to award students for cover design, best art, best poem, best essay, and best short story.

Recommended AA Transfer Curriculum for English

This is only a suggested transfer program and might not be appropriate for every student. Some four-year institutions accept more than 62 credits in transfer to complete requirements in English. Consult the College & Career Success Center for help in selecting courses appropriate for the program at the college or university where you plan to transfer.

Transfer institutions require English majors take the equivalent of 4 semesters of foreign language at the college level. (1 year of foreign language at the high school level equals one semester at the college level.)

Faculty are available during scheduled office hours to advise students about their courses and programs. Peruse the offerings in the English Department.

All full-time transfer students are required to take OCS 121.

Overview for College Success

Overview for College Success (OCS 121) is a course is designed to assist students in the navigation of becoming successful in college and life. Major topics include setting academic, career and personal goals; effective communication strategies; study skills; critical thinking; self-discovery; and learning styles. In addition, this course delves into topics such as stress management, diversity and other well-being topics. Students will develop educational and career plans, learn to utilize college resources and receive extensive help in course planning. OCS 121 credit is not calculated in the course minimum credit totals listed in this section.

Students must take OCS 121 if they meet one or more of the following:

  • First time degree seeking students.
  • Transfer student with less than 12 credit hours and no evidence of similar course on transcript.
  • Registering for 6 or more credits.
  • Test into 2 or more developmental classes.
  • Currently does not have OCS credit or registered for OCS.

Minimum General Education (39)

Overview for College Success CREDITS
OCS 121 Overview for College Success 1
Communications (9)
ENG 101 Composition and Rhetoric 3
ENG 102 Composition and Research 3
SPE 108 Oral Communication 3
Humanities and Fine Arts (9)
GROUP II Select from Humanities Elective
Students earning an Associate degree must meet the requirement for coursework on improving human relations as defined in Public Act 87-581.
Social and Behavioral Science (9)
GROUP III Select from Social Science Elective
Students earning an Associate degree must meet the requirement for coursework on improving human relations as defined in Public Act 87-581.
Mathematics (3)
MTH 115
MTH 126
General Education Mathematics
Fundamentals of Statistics
Select from Mathematics Elective
Physical and Life Science (7-8)
GROUP V Select from Physical and Life Science Electives. (Must include one lab) 7-8

Area of Concentration/Electives (25-26)

ENG 103 Introduction to American Literature I, Colonial Period-1860 3
ENG 104 Introduction to American Literature II, 1860 to Present 3
ENG 202 Introduction to British Literature I 3
ENG 203 Introduction to British Literature II 3
ENG 105 Creative Writing: Fiction 3
ENG 108 Creative Writing: Poetry 3
ENG 111 Introduction to Literature I 3
ENG 113 Introduction to Children’s Literature 3
ENG 123 African American Literature 3
ENG 124 Introduction to Linguistics, Structure and Function of American English 3
ENG 204 Shakespeare 3
ENG 206 World Literature I 3
ENG 207 World Literature II 3
ENG 208 Introduction to Women’s Literature 3
Minimum for AS Degree 62