The Add/Drop/Refund dates were changed to match both the LENGTH of a class as well as the individual section start date. The tables below identify both the general guidelines as well as the specific dates for credit classes.
Refunds of tuition and fees will occur only after the student has completed a “drop” through their portal during designated “drop” periods. Attendance in any class and receipt of a grade is subject to official enrollment in and payment of the full tuition for the class.
No refunds will be authorized for withdrawals or changes made after the final add/drop/refund date for the course. Students wishing to discontinue attendance in a course after the close of the refund period must follow the “Withdrawal Procedure” in the College catalog.
Refund checks will be mailed approximately three weeks after the stated deadline.
Students wishing to discontinue attendance in a course after the close of the refund period must follow the “Withdrawal Procedure”.
PLEASE NOTE: Withdrawing from classes may have an adverse effect on your financial aid, and may result in you being billed for your classes, and/or not being able to receive financial aid in the future.
Add/Drop/Refund Dates for Credit Classes
When a TITLE IV (Federal Financial Aid) recipient withdraws (officially or unofficially) on or after their first day of class during the period of enrollment for which the student was charged, the College will calculate a federal refund amount according to regulatory requirements, and will compare the results of the calculated federal refund amount to the calculated institutional refund amount. In all cases, the College will refund (repayment to TITLE IV) the larger of the results as per the Policies and Procedures Relating to Refunds and Repayments of the U.S. Department of Education.
Incidental fees and returned check fees are not refundable. If a class is canceled by the College, and the student does not choose to enroll in another class, a total refund of tuition and fees for that particular class will be made to the student.
Refunds of tuition and fees will occur only after the student has completed a ”drop” through their SSC Self Service during designated “drop” periods. No refunds will be authorized for withdrawals or changes made after the refund date for the term. There is a $20.00 fee, per credit class, for dropping a class during the add/drop period. This fee can be waived if additional credit classes are registered after dropping the prior class.