Athlete Code of Conduct

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  1. Attend, and be on time for all classes. Missed classes will not be tolerated. Your classes will be checked on and reported to your coach.
  2. Attend, and be on time for all academic assistance center obligations.
  3. Keep all appointments with advisors, professors, and tutors.
  4. Keep your coaches and Coach Pigatti informed of academic progress, and problems. Detect early in the semester, if you will need a tutor.
  5. Class registration is your responsibility. Organize your classes so that you will be
    able to register at the first opportunity.
  6. Dress properly for class. Do not wear hats backward and try to avoid athletic gear.
  7. Turn all cell phones and pagers off when in the classroom. Don’t text in class.
  8. Sit in the first few rows of the classroom. Do not sit in the back of the room.
  9. Before dropping a class you must have approval from your coach, Coach Pigatti, and Coach Ruzich, Athletic Director.
  10. If you are on a book waiver, it is your responsibility to return all books when your finals are completed. You are financially responsible for any damaged books or late returns.
  11. If you fail a class for lack of attendance, you will be in violation of the athletic departments’ academic requirements, and could be subject to the forfeiture of your athletic waiver, and become responsible for the financial responsibility of that particular class.
  12. You must maintain a grade point average that is required for eligibility by the NJCAA, and South Suburban College, or FORFEIT YOUR ATHLETIC WAIVER.
  13. Plagiarism has been a problem. When writing a paper with direct quotes from a publication, please use the proper technique when stating that quote in your paper when you are in doubt, ask your professor the proper way of using the quote.
  14. The computers in the fitness center classroom are for academic work only.
  15. Check your South Suburban College e-mail on a regular basis. You will be sent, via e-mail, important information from your professors, coaches and the administration.
  16. Get your student ID as soon as possible. It is at the student services desk on the 2nd floor of the main building.

Citizenship (Bulldog Image)

  1. A good thought: “Whatever is good for the team, the college and the athletic department, is good for me.”
  2. Illegal activity will not be tolerated. Any criminal activity you are involved in you will result in immediate expulsion from the team at the discretion of your coach and athletic director.
  3. Drinking and drugs are not a part of being a South Suburban College Athlete. If you are involved with an illegal drug or alcohol incident you will be disciplined at the discretion of your coach and the Athletic Director.
  4. If you have a car, take care of the responsibilities that go along with it. (Have a valid license, plates, park in a valid parking space on campus, and pay all fines.)
  5. You will treat all students (male and female) with respect. Any physical or verbal abuse of a student will not be tolerated and will be dealt with immediately.
  6. Inappropriate text or pictures on any personal web site (ie. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc.) will result in disciplinary action by your coach and the Athletic Director.