Volleyball Coaching Staff

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Michelle Orth — Head Coach

Photo of Head Coach Michelle OrthHead coach Michelle Orth joined the Lady Bulldogs coaching staff in 2012. She helped to guide the 2013 team to the National Tournament for the first time in school history. In 2016, she took over as the head coach.

Michelle played at Lewis University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. In 2010, she graduated from Benedictine University with her Master’s Degree in Reading and Literacy.

She currently teaches 4th grade at Madison School in South Holland and resides in Highland Indiana with her husband Brian and two daughters, Taylor and Payton.

Emily Johnson — Assistant Coach

Photo of Coach Emily JohnsonAssistant Coach Emily Johnson is in her second season at South Suburban. Emily graduated from Bishop Noll Institute. During her time at Noll, Emily was the starting setter and helped lead the team to a Semi State Championship and State Championship appearance. After high school, Emily went to DePaul University. She a Bachelors degree from DePaul University in Physical Education. Emily played on DePaul’s Club team as a starting setter.

“I am excited to have Emily on our coaching staff. Her knowledge of setting will help our young setters grow and develop better form. Emily bring incredible energy to the court as a coach and players feed off of this energy. Emily is a great addition to our coaching staff.”

Emily resides in Chicago.

José Antonio Gonzalez — Assistant Coach

Photo of Jose ́ Antonio GonzalezBio to come.