Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

South Suburban College is required by law to publish yearly crime statistics in accords with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

Statistics Concerning the Number of Arrests for Crimes Committed on Campus January 1- December 31



2023 2022 2021
Murder 0 0 0
Arson 0 0 0
Rape 0 0 0
Robbery 0 0 0
Battery 0 2 1
Assault 0 1 0
Aggravated Assault 0 0 0
Burglary 0 0 0
Motor Vehicle Theft 0 0 0
Criminal Sexual Assault 0 0 0
Liquor Law Violations 0 0 0
Drug Abuse Violations 0 0 0
Weapons Violations 0 0 0
Thefts 4 8 1
Domestic Violence 0 0 0
Dating Violence 0 0 0
Stalking 0 0 0
Hate Crimes 0 0 0



2023 2022 2021
Murder 0 0 0
Arson 0 0 0
Rape 0 0 0
Robbery 0 0 0
Battery 0 0 0
Assault 0 0 0
Aggravated Assault 0 0 0
Burglary 0 0 0
Motor Vehicle Theft 0 0 0
Criminal Sexual Assault 0 0 0
Liquor Law Violations 0 0 0
Drug Abuse Violations 0 0 0
Weapons Violations 0 0 0
Thefts 0 0 0
Domestic Violence 0 0 0
Dating Violence 0 0 0
Stalking 0 0 0
Hate Crimes 0 0 0



Offenses are determined based upon the Federal, State and Local definitions.

Crimes the Clery Act considers a threat to other students and employees such as: “Domestic violence”, which includes asserted violent misdemeanor and felony offenses committed by the victim’s current or former spouse, current or former cohabitant, person similarly situated under domestic or family violence law, or anyone else protected under domestic or family violence law; “Dating violence”, which means violence by a person who has been in a romantic or intimate relationship with the victim. Whether there was such relationship will be gauged by its length, type, and frequency of interaction;

“Stalking”, which means a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for her, his, or others’ safety, or to suffer substantial emotional distress; “National origin” and “Gender identity”, which are added to the hate crime categories, involving intentional selection of a victim based on actual or perceived characteristics.


All Officers of the South Suburban College Police Department (SSCPD) are vested by the State of Illinois with full police authority.

South Suburban College Police Officers are fully sworn officers and are vested with full law enforcement powers and responsibilities under Illinois law.

The SSCPD also maintains a force of Security Officers who aid our sworn Police Officers in day-to-day activities.

The SSCPD will investigate all complaints and will utilize the assistance of other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies when needed. ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

Clery Act Compliance Disclosure is the Annual Security Report, containing campus crime statistics is available at any South Suburban College Information Center, Campus Police Department, or A paper copy of the report can be provided upon request to

Important Policies to Remember

Smoking is prohibited in all College buildings. Smoking is permitted outside College buildings in designated areas only.

Any individual who is not engaging in immediate lawful business will be removed from property owned, rented, or leased by South Suburban College.

The College is committed to providing a safe working environment free from violence and free from the threat of violence. Therefore, Zero Tolerance for violence and threats of violence shall be exercised at the College. Violence is defined as a physical assault upon any student or employee of the College or visitor at the College and a threat of violence is defined as any verbal or nonverbal communication which is designed to create the fear that a violent act may be committed against the recipient.The College shall assist members of the College community in reporting acts of violence and threats of violence and the following procedures shall be applicable:

  1. Any student who witnesses, hears, or is the recipient of violence or threats of violence shall report the incident to the Campus Police Department.
  2. An incident report shall be completed, describing the time, place, and circumstances of the incident as well as the person involved. A copy of the report shall be forwarded to the Dean of Student Development.
  3. The College shall immediately remove from the College premises any student accused of committing a violent act or accused of threatening a violent act at the College, until a hearing is held.
  4. The College shall fully investigate and shall discipline any student who has committed a violent act or who has threatened violence to a member of the College community or visitor at the College.
  5. Discipline for violent acts and threats of violence shall be suspension or dismissal and shall be governed by the procedures in the Student Code of Conduct.


Dress codes are flexible, but students may be requested to leave the campus if a mode or style of dress interferes with academic processes.


The Student Code of Conduct has been developed to maintain an atmosphere conducive to developing optimum educational experiences for all members of the College community. Conduct in violation of this code includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:

  1. Any acts of classroom disruption that goes beyond the normal rights of students to question and discuss with instructors the instructional process relative to subject content. THE STUDENT MAY NOT RETURN TO CLASS UNTIL HE/SHE MEETS WITH THE DEAN OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENT. The use of pagers, cell phones, and other electronic communication and entertainment devices (e.g. cd players, tape players, etc.) in classes, labs, and the library is prohibited. Pagers and cell phones should be turned off or set on vibrating alarm. Electronic entertainment devices should be turned off and put away prior to entering classes, labs, or the library;
  2. Use or occupation of any space or facilities owned or leased by the College at any time without authorization of the Board of Trustees or approval of appropriate College administrators;
  3. Attempts to prevent or obstruct the passage of faculty and/or students to and from classes or activities sponsored by the College;
  4. Preventing or attempting to prevent any member of the College community or any visitor from carrying out assigned duties or lawful business;
  5. Willful destruction or damage to College property;
  6. Blocking pedestrians or vehicular traffic on or near College facilities;
  7. Activity which endangers personal mental or physical health, safety or physical welfare of any person;
  8. Violation, while on College facilities, of a municipal, county, state or federal law, statute or ordinance;
  9. Refusal to comply with reasonable directions of College officials acting in the performance of their duties;
  10. Any act of dishonesty toward the College including (but not limited to) cheating, plagiarism, misuse of College documents or records, forgery, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College, or to others in the name of the College;
  11. Disorderly conduct or any conduct considered lewd, indecent, or obscene, including profane or abusive language toward members of the College community;
  12. Possession, sale, use, consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances or being under the influence of such items on any College owned, rented or leased property, or at an officially sponsored College event on or off campus except an off campus activity where all in attendance meet the minimum age requirement established by law, and the location of the activity does not prohibit such beverages;
  13. Possession or use of firearms, explosives, harmful or dangerous chemicals or other weapons capable of inflicting injury to persons or damage to property, except as permitted by College regulations;
  14. Gambling on College property that is owned, rented, contract-affiliated or leased, unless the activity has been approved by the College and is permitted by law;
  15. Any acts of unprofessional conduct.

Violation of this code of conduct is considered grounds for sanction against the party or parties involved and, if the situation should warrant, binding over to civil authorities for appropriate action.

5/16D-3. Computer Tampering

Users are expected to respect any additional rules or guidelines which may apply to remote systems accessed using South Suburban College facilities. Further, College facilities are not to be used to try to gain unauthorized access to South Suburban College systems or remote systems.A person commits the offense of computer tampering when he/she knowingly and without the authorization of a computer’s owner or in excess of the authority granted to him/her:

  1. Accesses or causes to be accessed a computer or any part thereof, or a program or data;
  2. Accesses or causes to be accessed a computer or any part thereof, or a program or data, and obtains data or services;
  3. Accesses or causes to be accessed a computer or any part thereof, or a program or data, and damages or destroys the computer or alters, deletes or removes a computer program or data;
  4. Inserts or attempts to insert a “program” into a computer or computer program knowing or having reason to believe that such “program” contains information or commands that will or may damage or destroy that computer, or any other computer subsequently accessing or being accessed by that computer, or that will alter, or may delete or remove a computer program or data from that computer, or any other computer program or data in a computer subsequently accessing or being accessed by that computer, or that will or may cause loss to the users of that computer or the users of a computer which accesses or which is accessed by such “program.”

The criminal charge for computer tampering may be a misdemeanor or felony offense.

5/16D-4. Aggravated Computer Tampering

A person commits aggravated computer tampering when he/she commits the offense of computer tampering as set forth in subsection (a) (3) of Section 16D-3 (above) and he/she knowingly causes disruption of or interference with vital services or operations of state or local government or a public utility; or creates a strong probability of death or great bodily harm to one or more individuals. The criminal charge of aggravated computer tampering is a felony.

5/16D-5. Computer Fraud

A person commits the offense of computer fraud when he/she knowingly:

  1. Accesses or causes to be accessed a computer or any part thereof, or a program or data, for the purpose of devising or executing any scheme, artifice to defraud, or as part of a deception;
  2. Obtains use of, damages or destroys a computer or any part thereof, or alters, deletes or removes any program or data contained therein, in connection with any scheme, artifice to defraud, or as part of a deception; or
  3. Accesses or causes to be accessed a computer or any part thereof, or a program or data, and obtains money or control over any such money, property, or services of another in connection with any scheme, artifice to defraud, or a part of a deception.

The criminal charge for computer fraud is a felony.